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OVN-Kubernetes KIND Setup

KIND (Kubernetes in Docker) deployment of OVN kubernetes is a fast and easy means to quickly install and test kubernetes with OVN kubernetes CNI. The value proposition is really for developers who want to reproduce an issue or test a fix in an environment that can be brought up locally and within a few minutes.


  • 20 GB of free space in root file system
  • Docker run time or podman
  • KIND
  • Installation instructions can be found at
  • NOTE: The OVN-Kubernetes ovn-kubernetes/contrib/ and ovn-kubernetes/contrib/kind.yaml files provision port 11337. If firewalld is enabled, this port will need to be unblocked:

    sudo firewall-cmd --permanent --add-port=11337/tcp; sudo firewall-cmd --reload
    - kubectl - Python and pip - jq - openssl - openvswitch

NOTE : In certain operating systems such as CentOS 8.x, pip2 and pip3 binaries are installed instead of pip. In such situations create a softlink for "pip" that points to "pip2".

For OVN kubernetes KIND deployment, use the script.

First Download and build the OVN-Kubernetes repo:

git clone; 
cd ovn-kubernetes
The script builds OVN-Kubernetes into a container image. To verify local changes before building in KIND, run the following:

$ pushd go-controller
$ make
$ popd

Run the KIND deployment with docker

Build the image for fedora and launch the KIND Deployment

$ pushd dist/images
$ make fedora
$ popd

$ pushd contrib
$ export KUBECONFIG=${HOME}/ovn.conf
$ ./
$ popd

Run the KIND deployment with podman

To verify local changes, the steps are mostly the same as with docker, except the fedora make target:

$ pushd dist/images

Then Edit the makefile, changing

$ OCI_BIN=podman

Then build,

$ make fedora
$ popd

To deploy KIND however, you need to start it as root and then copy root's kube config to use it as non-root:

$ pushd contrib
$ sudo ./ -ep podman
$ sudo cp /root/ovn.conf ~/.kube/kind-config
$ sudo chown $(id -u):$(id -g) ~/.kube/kind-config
$ export KUBECONFIG=~/.kube/kind-config
$ popd

This will launch a KIND deployment. By default the cluster is named ovn.

$ kubectl get nodes
NAME                STATUS   ROLES    AGE     VERSION
ovn-control-plane   Ready    master   5h13m   v1.16.4
ovn-worker          Ready    <none>   5h12m   v1.16.4
ovn-worker2         Ready    <none>   5h12m   v1.16.4

$ kubectl get pods --all-namespaces
NAMESPACE            NAME                                        READY   STATUS    RESTARTS   AGE
kube-system          coredns-5644d7b6d9-kw2xc                    1/1     Running   0          5h13m
kube-system          coredns-5644d7b6d9-sd9wh                    1/1     Running   0          5h13m
kube-system          etcd-ovn-control-plane                      1/1     Running   0          5h11m
kube-system          kube-apiserver-ovn-control-plane            1/1     Running   0          5h12m
kube-system          kube-controller-manager-ovn-control-plane   1/1     Running   0          5h12m
kube-system          kube-scheduler-ovn-control-plane            1/1     Running   0          5h11m
local-path-storage   local-path-provisioner-7745554f7f-9r8dz     1/1     Running   0          5h13m
ovn-kubernetes       ovnkube-db-5588bd699c-kb8h7                 2/2     Running   0          5h11m
ovn-kubernetes       ovnkube-master-6f44d456df-bv2x8             2/2     Running   0          5h11m
ovn-kubernetes       ovnkube-node-2t6m2                          3/3     Running   0          5h11m
ovn-kubernetes       ovnkube-node-hhsmk                          3/3     Running   0          5h11m
ovn-kubernetes       ovnkube-node-xvqh4                          3/3     Running   0          5h11m

The script defaults the cluster to HA disabled. There are numerous configuration options when deploying. Use ./ -h to see the latest options.

[root@ovnkubernetes contrib]# ./ --help
usage: [[[-cf |--config-file <file>] [-kt|keep-taint] [-ha|--ha-enabled]
                 [-ho |--hybrid-enabled] [-ii|--install-ingress] [-n4|--no-ipv4]
                 [-i6 |--ipv6] [-wk|--num-workers <num>] [-ds|--disable-snat-multiple-gws]
                 [-dp |--disable-pkt-mtu-check] [-df|--disable-forwarding]
                 [-nf |--netflow-targets <targets>] [sf|--sflow-targets <targets>]
                 [-if |--ipfix-targets <targets>] [-ifs|--ipfix-sampling <num>]
                 [-ifm|--ipfix-cache-max-flows <num>] [-ifa|--ipfix-cache-active-timeout <num>]
                 [-sw |--allow-system-writes] [-gm|--gateway-mode <mode>]
                 [-nl |--node-loglevel <num>] [-ml|--master-loglevel <num>]
                 [-dbl|--dbchecker-loglevel <num>] [-ndl|--ovn-loglevel-northd <loglevel>]
                 [-nbl|--ovn-loglevel-nb <loglevel>] [-sbl|--ovn-loglevel-sb <loglevel>]
                 [-cl |--ovn-loglevel-controller <loglevel>] [-me|--multicast-enabled]
                 [-ep |--experimental-provider <name>] |
                 [-eb |--egress-gw-separate-bridge]

-cf  | --config-file                Name of the KIND J2 configuration file.
                                    DEFAULT: ./kind.yaml.j2
-kt  | --keep-taint                 Do not remove taint components.
                                    DEFAULT: Remove taint components.
-ha  | --ha-enabled                 Enable high availability. DEFAULT: HA Disabled.
-me  | --multicast-enabled          Enable multicast. DEFAULT: Disabled.
-scm | --separate-cluster-manager   Separate cluster manager from ovnkube-master and run as a separate container within ovnkube-master deployment.
-ho  | --hybrid-enabled             Enable hybrid overlay. DEFAULT: Disabled.
-ds  | --disable-snat-multiple-gws  Disable SNAT for multiple gws. DEFAULT: Disabled.
-dp  | --disable-pkt-mtu-check      Disable checking packet size greater than MTU. Default: Disabled
-df  | --disable-forwarding         Disable forwarding on OVNK controlled interfaces. Default: Enabled
-nf  | --netflow-targets            Comma delimited list of ip:port or :port (using node IP) netflow collectors. DEFAULT: Disabled.
-sf  | --sflow-targets              Comma delimited list of ip:port or :port (using node IP) sflow collectors. DEFAULT: Disabled.
-if  | --ipfix-targets              Comma delimited list of ip:port or :port (using node IP) ipfix collectors. DEFAULT: Disabled.
-ifs | --ipfix-sampling             Fraction of packets that are sampled and sent to each target collector: 1 packet out of every <num>. DEFAULT: 400 (1 out of 400 packets).
-ifm | --ipfix-cache-max-flows      Maximum number of IPFIX flow records that can be cached at a time. If 0, caching is disabled. DEFAULT: Disabled.
-ifa | --ipfix-cache-active-timeout Maximum period in seconds for which an IPFIX flow record is cached and aggregated before being sent. If 0, caching is disabled. DEFAULT: 60.
-el  | --ovn-empty-lb-events        Enable empty-lb-events generation for LB without backends. DEFAULT: Disabled
-ii  | --install-ingress            Flag to install Ingress Components.
                                    DEFAULT: Don't install ingress components.
-n4  | --no-ipv4                    Disable IPv4. DEFAULT: IPv4 Enabled.
-i6  | --ipv6                       Enable IPv6. DEFAULT: IPv6 Disabled.
-wk  | --num-workers                Number of worker nodes. DEFAULT: HA - 2 worker
                                    nodes and no HA - 0 worker nodes.
-sw  | --allow-system-writes        Allow script to update system. Intended to allow
                                    github CI to be updated with IPv6 settings.
                                    DEFAULT: Don't allow.
-gm  | --gateway-mode               Enable 'shared' or 'local' gateway mode.
                                    DEFAULT: shared.
-ov  | --ovn-image                  Use the specified docker image instead of building locally. DEFAULT: local build.
-ml  | --master-loglevel            Log level for ovnkube (master), DEFAULT: 5.
-nl  | --node-loglevel              Log level for ovnkube (node), DEFAULT: 5
-dbl | --dbchecker-loglevel         Log level for ovn-dbchecker (ovnkube-db), DEFAULT: 5.
-ndl | --ovn-loglevel-northd        Log config for ovn northd, DEFAULT: '-vconsole:info -vfile:info'.
-nbl | --ovn-loglevel-nb            Log config for northbound DB DEFAULT: '-vconsole:info -vfile:info'.
-sbl | --ovn-loglevel-sb            Log config for southboudn DB DEFAULT: '-vconsole:info -vfile:info'.
-cl  | --ovn-loglevel-controller    Log config for ovn-controller DEFAULT: '-vconsole:info'.
-ep  | --experimental-provider      Use an experimental OCI provider such as podman, instead of docker. DEFAULT: Disabled.
-eb  | --egress-gw-separate-bridge  The external gateway traffic uses a separate bridge.
-lr  |--local-kind-registry         Will start and connect a kind local registry to push/retrieve images
--delete                            Delete current cluster
--deploy                            Deploy ovn kubernetes without restarting kind

As seen above, if you do not specify any options the script will assume the default values.

Notes / troubleshooting:

  • Issue with /dev/dma_heap: if you get the error kind "Error: open /dev/dma_heap: permission denied", there's a known issue about it (directory mislabelled with selinux). Workaround:
sudo setenforce 0
sudo chcon system\_u:object\_r:device\_t:s0 /dev/dma\_heap/
sudo setenforce 1
  • If you see errors related to go, you may not have go $PATH configured as root. Make sure it is configured, or define it while running
sudo PATH=$PATH:/usr/local/go/bin ./ -ep podman

Usage Notes

  • You can create your own KIND J2 configuration file if the default one is not sufficient

  • You can also specify these values as environment variables. Command line parameters will override the environment variables.

  • To tear down the KIND cluster when finished simply run

$ ./ --delete

Running OVN-Kubernetes with IPv6 or Dual-stack In KIND

This section describes the configuration needed for IPv6 and dual-stack environments.

KIND with IPv6

Docker Changes For IPv6

For KIND clusters using KIND v0.7.0 or older (CI currently is using v0.8.1), to use IPv6, IPv6 needs to be enable in Docker on the host:

$ sudo vi /etc/docker/daemon.json
  "ipv6": true

$ sudo systemctl reload docker

On a CentOS host running Docker version 19.03.6, the above configuration worked. After the host was rebooted, Docker failed to start. To fix, change daemon.json as follows:

$ sudo vi /etc/docker/daemon.json
  "ipv6": true,
  "fixed-cidr-v6": "2001:db8:1::/64"

$ sudo systemctl reload docker

IPv6 from Docker repo provided the fix. Newer documentation does not include this change, so change may be dependent on Docker version.

To verify IPv6 is enabled in Docker, run:

$ docker run --rm busybox ip a
1: lo: <LOOPBACK,UP,LOWER_UP> mtu 65536 qdisc noqueue qlen 1000
    link/loopback 00:00:00:00:00:00 brd 00:00:00:00:00:00
    inet scope host lo
       valid_lft forever preferred_lft forever
    inet6 ::1/128 scope host
       valid_lft forever preferred_lft forever
341: eth0@if342: <BROADCAST,MULTICAST,UP,LOWER_UP,M-DOWN> mtu 1500 qdisc noqueue
    link/ether 02:42:ac:11:00:02 brd ff:ff:ff:ff:ff:ff
    inet brd scope global eth0
       valid_lft forever preferred_lft forever
    inet6 2001:db8:1::242:ac11:2/64 scope global flags 02
       valid_lft forever preferred_lft forever
    inet6 fe80::42:acff:fe11:2/64 scope link tentative
       valid_lft forever preferred_lft forever

For the eth0 vEth-pair, there should be the two IPv6 entries (global and link addresses).

Disable firewalld

Currently, to run OVN-Kubernetes with IPv6 only in a KIND deployment, firewalld needs to be disabled. To disable:

sudo systemctl stop firewalld

NOTE: To run with IPv4, firewalld needs to be enabled, so to reenable:

sudo systemctl start firewalld

If firewalld is enabled during a IPv6 deployment, additional nodes fail to join the cluster:

Creating cluster "ovn" ...
 ✓ Ensuring node image (kindest/node:v1.18.2) đŸ–ŧ
 ✓ Preparing nodes đŸ“Ļ đŸ“Ļ đŸ“Ļ
 ✓ Writing configuration 📜
 ✓ Starting control-plane 🕹ī¸
 ✓ Installing StorageClass 💾
 ✗ Joining worker nodes 🚜
ERROR: failed to create cluster: failed to join node with kubeadm: command "docker exec --privileged ovn-worker kubeadm join --config /kind/kubeadm.conf --ignore-preflight-errors=all --v=6" failed with error: exit status 1

And logs show:

I0430 16:40:44.590181     579 token.go:215] [discovery] Failed to request cluster-info, will try again: Get https://[2001:db8:1::242:ac11:3]:6443/api/v1/namespaces/kube-public/configmaps/cluster-info?timeout=10s: dial tcp [2001:db8:1::242:ac11:3]:6443: connect: permission denied
Get https://[2001:db8:1::242:ac11:3]:6443/api/v1/namespaces/kube-public/configmaps/cluster-info?timeout=10s: dial tcp [2001:db8:1::242:ac11:3]:6443: connect: permission denied

This issue was reported upstream in KIND 1257 and blamed on firewalld.

OVN-Kubernetes With IPv6

To run OVN-Kubernetes with IPv6 in a KIND deployment, run:

$ go get; cd $GOPATH/src/

$ cd go-controller/
$ make

$ cd ../dist/images/
$ make fedora

$ cd ../../contrib/

Once completes, setup kube config file:

$ cp ~/ovn.conf ~/.kube/config
-- OR --
$ KUBECONFIG=~/ovn.conf

Once testing is complete, to tear down the KIND deployment:

$ kind delete cluster --name ovn

KIND with Dual-stack

Currently, IP dual-stack is not fully supported in: * Kubernetes * KIND * OVN-Kubernetes

Kubernetes And Docker With IP Dual-stack

Update kubectl

Kubernetes has some IP dual-stack support but the feature is not complete. Additional changes are constantly being added. This setup is using the latest Kubernetes release to test against. Kubernetes is being installed below using OVN-Kubernetes KIND script, however to test, an equivalent version of kubectl needs to be installed.

First determine what version of kubectl is currently being used and save it:

$ which kubectl
$ kubectl version --client
Client Version: version.Info{Major:"1", Minor:"28", GitVersion:"v1.17.3", GitCommit:"06ad960bfd03b39c8310aaf92d1e7c12ce618213", GitTreeState:"clean", BuildDate:"2020-02-11T18:14:22Z", GoVersion:"go1.13.6", Compiler:"gc", Platform:"linux/amd64"}
sudo mv /usr/bin/kubectl /usr/bin/kubectl-v1.17.3
sudo ln -s /usr/bin/kubectl-v1.17.3 /usr/bin/kubectl

Download and install latest version of kubectl:

$ K8S_VERSION=v1.31.0
$ curl -LO$K8S_VERSION/bin/linux/amd64/kubectl
$ chmod +x kubectl
$ sudo mv kubectl /usr/bin/kubectl-$K8S_VERSION
$ sudo rm /usr/bin/kubectl
$ sudo ln -s /usr/bin/kubectl-$K8S_VERSION /usr/bin/kubectl
$ kubectl version --client
Client Version: v1.31.0
Kustomize Version: v5.0.4-0.20230601165947-6ce0bf390ce3

Docker Changes For Dual-stack

For dual-stack, IPv6 needs to be enable in Docker on the host same as for IPv6 only. See above: Docker Changes For IPv6

KIND With IP Dual-stack

IP dual-stack is not currently supported in KIND. There is a PR (692) with IP dual-stack changes. Currently using this to test with.

Optionally, save previous version of KIND (if it exists):

cp $GOPATH/bin/kind $GOPATH/bin/kind.orig

Build KIND With Dual-stack Locally

To build locally (if additional needed):

go get; cd $GOPATH/src/
git pull --no-edit --strategy=ours origin pull/692/head
make clean
make install INSTALL_DIR=$GOPATH/bin

OVN-Kubernetes With IP Dual-stack

For status of IP dual-stack in OVN-Kubernetes, see 1142.

To run OVN-Kubernetes with IP dual-stack in a KIND deployment, run:

$ go get; cd $GOPATH/src/

$ cd go-controller/
$ make

$ cd ../dist/images/
$ make fedora

$ cd ../../contrib/

Once completes, setup kube config file:

$ cp ~/ovn.conf ~/.kube/config
-- OR --
$ KUBECONFIG=~/ovn.conf

Once testing is complete, to tear down the KIND deployment:

$ kind delete cluster --name ovn

Using specific Kind container image and tag

⚠ Use with caution, as kind expects this image to have all it needs.

In order to use an image/tag other than the default hardcoded in, specify one (or both of) the following variables:

$ cd ../../contrib/
$ K8S_VERSION=v1.31.0 ./

Using kind local registry to deploy non ovn-k containers

A local registry can be made available to the cluster if started with:

./ --local-kind-registry
This is useful if you want to make your own local images available to the cluster. These images can be pushed, fetched or used in manifests using the prefix localhost:5000.

Loading ovn-kubernetes changes without restarting kind

Sometimes it is useful to update ovn-kubernetes without redeploying the whole cluster all over again. For example, when testing the update itself. This can be achieve with the "--deploy" flag:

# Default options will use kind mechanism to push images directly to the
./ --deploy

# Using a local registry is an alternative to deploy ovn-kubernetes updates 
# while also being useful to deploy other local images
./ --deploy --local-kind-registry

Current Status

This is subject to change because code is being updated constantly. But this is more a cautionary note that this feature is not completely working at the moment.

The nodes do not go to ready because the OVN-Kubernetes hasn't setup the network completely:

$ kubectl get nodes
NAME                STATUS     ROLES    AGE   VERSION
ovn-control-plane   NotReady   master   94s   v1.18.0
ovn-worker          NotReady   <none>   61s   v1.18.0
ovn-worker2         NotReady   <none>   62s   v1.18.0

$ kubectl get pods -o wide --all-namespaces
NAMESPACE          NAME                                      READY STATUS   RESTARTS AGE    IP          NODE
kube-system        coredns-66bff467f8-hh4c9                  0/1   Pending  0        2m45s  <none>      <none>
kube-system        coredns-66bff467f8-vwbcj                  0/1   Pending  0        2m45s  <none>      <none>
kube-system        etcd-ovn-control-plane                    1/1   Running  0        2m56s  ovn-control-plane
kube-system        kube-apiserver-ovn-control-plane          1/1   Running  0        2m56s  ovn-control-plane
kube-system        kube-controller-manager-ovn-control-plane 1/1   Running  0        2m56s  ovn-control-plane
kube-system        kube-scheduler-ovn-control-plane          1/1   Running  0        2m56s  ovn-control-plane
local-path-storage local-path-provisioner-774f7f8fdb-msmd2   0/1   Pending  0        2m45s  <none>      <none>
ovn-kubernetes     ovnkube-db-cf4cc89b7-8d4xq                2/2   Running  0        107s  ovn-control-plane
ovn-kubernetes     ovnkube-master-87fb56d6d-7qmnb            2/2   Running  0        107s  ovn-control-plane
ovn-kubernetes     ovnkube-node-278l9                        2/3   Running  0        107s  ovn-worker2
ovn-kubernetes     ovnkube-node-bm7v6                        2/3   Running  0        107s  ovn-control-plane
ovn-kubernetes     ovnkube-node-p4k4t                        2/3   Running  0        107s  ovn-worker

Known issues

Some environments (Fedora32,31 on desktop), have problems when the cluster is deleted directly with kind kind delete cluster --name ovn, it restarts the host. The root cause is unknown, this also can not be reproduced in Ubuntu 20.04 or with Fedora32 Cloud, but it does not happen if we clean first the ovn-kubernetes resources.

You can use the following command to delete the cluster:

contrib/ --delete