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Documentation Guide

Documentation is an important step in the SDLC process. Unless there are proper docs to tell end users about the code you contributed; there will be less visibility and understanding of your code and feature. It will also become hard to maintain such code.

Writing Documentation

All OVN-Kubernetes docs are kept under the docs/ folder in the main path. There are specific folders such as features and developer-guide where you can add your commit against. These simple .md files are referred from the navigation tile in mkdocs.yaml file which is what is used to build our website.

As a developer and contributor to this project; it is recommended that you include a docs commit in your PR whenever possible and relevant. Some examples where we mandate docs include:

  • Enhancement Proposals: If you are planning to do a new feature, then start with an enhancement proposal a.k.a OKEP so that maintainers and other reviewers can get an understanding of what your goals are. See here for more details and open a commit adding it to our docs/okeps folder.

  • Architecture and Topology docs: Did you change the architecture or topology? If so please write docs reflecting your design changes and update any existing docs so that they remain relevant. Open a commit adding it to our docs/design folder.

  • Feature Docs: If your enhancement proposal has merged; next step is to implement that feature. As part of the main implementation PR we mandate adding a feature documentation commit. See here for how a feature documentation should be done. Open a commit adding it to our docs/features folder.

  • Contributor Docs: If your changes include code cleanup or refactoring that is not user facing but internal; example: "Adding DBIndexes to AddressSets" write up a developer guide for contributors asking them to follow that new code structure process while adding new AddressSets. Open a commit adding it to our docs/developer-guide folder.

  • Bug Fixes: If there was a difficult or critical bug fix that warrants a doc; please feel free to write it. If you are unsure where this should be placed; reach out to the maintainers.

  • Blog Posts: Are you an end-user of OVN-Kubernetes? Is there something you wish to share with the community about your awesome use cases and how you used our CNI to solve your problems? We welcome blog post contributions from all! See here for details. Open a commit adding it to our docs/blog folder.

  • Performance Enhancements: We love performance enhancements! Did you write a cool patch to reduce the time it takes for iptables to sync up on startup? Think about writing a good blog post around this! Open a commit adding it to our docs/blog folder.

  • API Reference: Did you introduce a new CRD? OR Did you add a watcher a new CRD? Include API Reference documentation changes to docs/api-reference folder. See here for more details.

Website Guide

We are utilizing GitHub Pages to host the website. The website's content is composed in Markdown and stored within the 'docs' directory at the root of our repository. For static site generation, we employ the MkDocs framework, managed by the 'mkdocs.yml' configuration file located next to the 'docs' folder. Additionally, we use the Material framework on top of MkDocs, which enhances our site with advanced features like customizable navigation, color schemes, and site search capabilities

Any changes to the files in the doc folder or the mkdocs.yml file is picked up by a GitHub Action workflow that will automatically publish the changes to the website.

How to test your documentation changes?

In order to test changes locally to either mkdocs.yml or to files under docs/ folder, please follow the instructions below.

Clone the repository

# git clone
Cloning into 'ovn-kubernetes'...
remote: Enumerating objects: 84258, done.
remote: Counting objects: 100% (1546/1546), done.
remote: Compressing objects: 100% (686/686), done.
remote: Total 84258 (delta 809), reused 1208 (delta 663), pack-reused 82712
Receiving objects: 100% (84258/84258), 56.39 MiB | 28.74 MiB/s, done.
Resolving deltas: 100% (55993/55993), done.

# cd ovn-kubernetes

Create a Python virtual environment

#  python -m venv venv

Activate the virtual environment

# source venv/bin/activate

Install all the required python packages to render the website

(venv) # pip install -r requirements.txt 
Collecting Click
  Using cached click-8.1.7-py3-none-any.whl (97 kB)
Collecting htmlmin

<output snipped for brevity>

Run the website locally using

(venv) # mkdocs serve
INFO    -  Building documentation...
INFO    -  Cleaning site directory

<output snipped for brevity>

INFO    -  Documentation built in 1.52 seconds
INFO    -  [17:05:21] Watching paths for changes: 'docs', 'mkdocs.yml'
INFO    -  [17:05:21] Serving on
Now you can browse the website on your browser using the above URL.

As you make changes and save the files, the mkdocs server notices that and re-builds the website. It also spews out any WARNINGS or ERRORS with respect to the changes that you have just made. If the changes look good, then go ahead and submit the PR.