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API Reference


Package v1 contains API Schema definitions for the network v1 API group

Resource Types


EgressQoS is a CRD that allows the user to define a DSCP value for pods egress traffic on its namespace to specified CIDRs. Traffic from these pods will be checked against each EgressQoSRule in the namespace's EgressQoS, and if there is a match the traffic is marked with the relevant DSCP value.

Field Description Default Validation
apiVersion string
kind string EgressQoS
metadata ObjectMeta Refer to Kubernetes API documentation for fields of metadata.
spec EgressQoSSpec
status EgressQoSStatus


Appears in: - EgressQoSSpec

Field Description Default Validation
dscp integer DSCP marking value for matching pods' traffic. Maximum: 63
Minimum: 0
dstCIDR string DstCIDR specifies the destination's CIDR. Only traffic heading
to this CIDR will be marked with the DSCP value.
This field is optional, and in case it is not set the rule is applied
to all egress traffic regardless of the destination.
Format: cidr
podSelector LabelSelector PodSelector applies the QoS rule only to the pods in the namespace whose label
matches this definition. This field is optional, and in case it is not set
results in the rule being applied to all pods in the namespace.


EgressQoSSpec defines the desired state of EgressQoS

Appears in: - EgressQoS

Field Description Default Validation
egress EgressQoSRule array a collection of Egress QoS rule objects


EgressQoSStatus defines the observed state of EgressQoS

Appears in: - EgressQoS

Field Description Default Validation
status string A concise indication of whether the EgressQoS resource is applied with success.
conditions Condition array An array of condition objects indicating details about status of EgressQoS object.