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API Reference


Package v1 contains API Schema definitions for the network v1 API group


EgressIPSpec is a desired state description of EgressIP.

Appears in: - EgressIP

Field Description Default Validation
egressIPs string array EgressIPs is the list of egress IP addresses requested. Can be IPv4 and/or IPv6.
This field is mandatory.
namespaceSelector LabelSelector NamespaceSelector applies the egress IP only to the namespace(s) whose label
matches this definition. This field is mandatory.
podSelector LabelSelector PodSelector applies the egress IP only to the pods whose label
matches this definition. This field is optional, and in case it is not set:
results in the egress IP being applied to all pods in the namespace(s)
matched by the NamespaceSelector. In case it is set: is intersected with
the NamespaceSelector, thus applying the egress IP to the pods
(in the namespace(s) already matched by the NamespaceSelector) which
match this pod selector.


Appears in: - EgressIP

Field Description Default Validation
items EgressIPStatusItem array The list of assigned egress IPs and their corresponding node assignment.


The per node status, for those egress IPs who have been assigned.

Appears in: - EgressIPStatus

Field Description Default Validation
node string Assigned node name
egressIP string Assigned egress IP