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API Reference


Package v1 contains API Schema definitions for the network v1 API group


EgressFirewallDestination is the target that traffic is either allowed or denied to

Validation: - MaxProperties: 1 - MinProperties: 1

Appears in: - EgressFirewallRule

Field Description Default Validation
cidrSelector string cidrSelector is the CIDR range to allow/deny traffic to. If this is set, dnsName and nodeSelector must be unset.
dnsName string dnsName is the domain name to allow/deny traffic to. If this is set, cidrSelector and nodeSelector must be unset. Pattern: ^([A-Za-z0-9-]+\.)*[A-Za-z0-9-]+\.?$
nodeSelector LabelSelector nodeSelector will allow/deny traffic to the Kubernetes node IP of selected nodes. If this is set,
cidrSelector and DNSName must be unset.


EgressFirewallPort specifies the port to allow or deny traffic to

Appears in: - EgressFirewallRule

Field Description Default Validation
protocol string protocol (tcp, udp, sctp) that the traffic must match. Pattern: ^TCP|UDP|SCTP$
port integer port that the traffic must match Maximum: 65535
Minimum: 1


EgressFirewallRule is a single egressfirewall rule object

Appears in: - EgressFirewallSpec

Field Description Default Validation
type EgressFirewallRuleType type marks this as an "Allow" or "Deny" rule Pattern: ^Allow|Deny$
ports EgressFirewallPort array ports specify what ports and protocols the rule applies to
to EgressFirewallDestination to is the target that traffic is allowed/denied to MaxProperties: 1
MinProperties: 1


Underlying type: string

EgressNetworkFirewallRuleType indicates whether an EgressNetworkFirewallRule allows or denies traffic

Validation: - Pattern: ^Allow|Deny$

Appears in: - EgressFirewallRule


EgressFirewallSpec is a desired state description of EgressFirewall.

Appears in: - EgressFirewall

Field Description Default Validation
egress EgressFirewallRule array a collection of egress firewall rule objects


Appears in: - EgressFirewall

Field Description Default Validation
status string
messages string array