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OVN-Kubernetes Node Identity


The OVN-Kubernetes node identity feature introduces a per-node client certificate for ovnkube-node pods, together with a validating admission webhook, enabling granular permission enforcement specific to ovn-kubernetes. Previously, all ovnkube-node pods shared a common service account, with their API permissions managed only through Kubernetes RBAC rules.\ The goal of this feature is to limit ovnkube-node permissions to the minimum required for networking management on a specific Kubernetes node. We will mimic the approach used by kubelet in which every node has a unique identity, and its API write requests are verified using a NodeRestriction validating admission webhook.

Per-node client certificates

This process mimics the bootstrap initialization in kubelet. When the ovnkube-node starts for the first time, it uses the host's kubeconfig to create a CertificateSigningRequest that requests a client certificate for the system:ovn-node:<nodeName> user in the system:ovn-nodes group. This request is then signed by the signer.

For the certificate to be signed, it must first be approved. The newly introduced OVNKubeCSRController component approves or denies CertificateSigningRequests created for users with the system:ovn-node prefix. The OVNKubeCSRController performs several checks to validate the requested certificate, including: - Ensuring that the node name extracted from the request matches the node name of the user that sent it. - Verifying that the group is set to system:ovn-nodes. - Checking that the certificate expiration does not exceed the maximum allowed duration.

Once the certificate is approved and signed, ovnkube-node uses it to communicate with the API server and request a new certificate upon expiration. The RBAC rules are consistent across all ovnkube-node pods, we use the system:ovn-nodes group as the subject for Role/ClusterRole bindings to avoid duplication:

kind: ClusterRoleBinding
    name: ovnkube-node
    name: ovnkube-node
    kind: ClusterRole
    - kind: Group
      name: system:ovn-nodes
Note: By default, the generated certificates have a brief lifetime set (10min). This is intentional as it helps ensure that the certificate rotation works seamlessly, but it might be adjusted in production environments.

Validating Admission Webhook

The feature introduces a validating webhook for updates to pod/status (Interconnect only) and node/status.\ The ovnkube-node pod exclusively updates the status on both resources, so it is sufficient to verify only update requests.\ The webhooks include the following checks for each ovnkube-node pod: - Modifying annotations on pods hosted on its own node. - Modifying annotations on its own node. - Modifying only allowed annotations. - Not modifying anything other than annotations.

The allowed annotations list contains both common and feature specific values: - By default, the webhook will verify a set of common node annotations used in all deployments. - When enable-interconnect parameter is provided the webhook will validate additional pod/node annotations set by the ovnkube-node component in interconnect environments. - When enable-hybrid-overlay parameter is provided the webhook will validate additional node annotations set by the ovnkube-node component in interconnect environments.

The specific annotation values can be found in go-controller/pkg/ovnwebhook/nodeadmission.go and go-controller/pkg/ovnwebhook/podadmission.go files.

Some of the allowed annotations have additional checks; for instance, the IP addresses in must match the node's networks.


In Kind, the feature is enabled by default and can be disabled with --disable-ovnkube-identity when creating the cluster.\ By default, the webhook listens on the nodes localhost address so there has to be an instance running on the control-plane node:

kubectl get pod -lname=ovnkube-identity -n ovn-kubernetes  -o wide
NAME                                READY   STATUS    RESTARTS   AGE   IP           NODE                NOMINATED NODE   READINESS GATES
ovnkube-identity-57f9778d99-llfqz   1/1     Running   0          30m   ovn-control-plane   <none>           <none>
This approach allows us to collocate the webhook with the API server for better response times and avoid relying on cluster networking.